
Tales of symphonia colette lloyd costume
Tales of symphonia colette lloyd costume

Please share if you’ve found any other new costumes. Thanks for the tips to Namco Bandai Games. Colette: The 'default' pairing in Tales of Symphonia.

tales of symphonia colette lloyd costume

This video shows what it looks like on-screen when you’ve unlocked these 9 costumes: Zelos’s Alvin Costume - From Tales of Xillia.Sheena’s Judith Costume - From Tales of Vesperia.Regal’s Malik Costume - From Tales of Graces F.

tales of symphonia colette lloyd costume

Raine’s Pascal Costume - From Tales of Graces F.Presea’s Elize Costume - From Tales of Xillia.Lloyd’s Guy Costume - From Tales of the Abyss. Lloyd Irving ( Roido Aavingu) - Once but a simple country boy, Lloyd is thrust out into a journey of epic proportions following a brutal attack on his village.Kratos’s Ludger Costume - From Tales of Xillia 2.Genis’s Luke Costume - From Tales of the Abyss.Colette’s Rita Costume - From Tales of Vesperia.I went through one file giving only negative. Here’s a list highlighting the special costumes in alphabetical order: gaiablade64, Colette and Genis might seem to always get them, but thats just because they have naturally high relationship levels with Lloyd. :O As Huffy will tell you, Ive long been a fan of Sheena and Lloyd. Then for your second playthrough (in the also newly unlocked New Game + Mode), you’ll have unlocked these extra outfits for your characters. Pink, you shouldnt be talking about Lloyd and his involvement in the 'Hot Coffee' scene. The function of the Sorcerers Ring is stored at 00ACE268 + F5B and the values Ive found are this (I prefer to use 9 which is the longer fireball from the Asgard Ranch): 1 Default. So you can use them for your first playthrough. 01 09 06 04 00 00 00 00 would be Lloyd, Kratos, Zelos, Raine and no one else. Method #1: Have any type of save file from either Tales of Xillia or Tales of Graces F on the PlayStation 3 system you’re currently playing on (with the same PlayStation Network username logged in), and then the save file will automatically be detected by the game to unlock the extra outfits as you first start the game.There are two methods to unlock 9 new costumes in Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: For example: To wear Genis’s Luke costume, select a Title named ‘Noble Son’. Changing a character’s Title to one that describes a character from another Tales game will switch their outfit to the new costume.


Note: Although switching costumes changes your appearance, there are in fact no stat changes nor improvements with these particular costumes. How To Change Costumes In Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: You can change costumes by going to your Menu, selecting the Status sub-menu, and then changing the Title that’s shown underneath the character’s name.

Tales of symphonia colette lloyd costume